Brandon Nelson

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Introducing BNP Realtor Nick Piro's Holiday Drive!

Bellingham Realtor Nick Piro joined the BNP roster earlier this year.

One of the qualities that endeared us to Nick, aside from his years of success as a top Realtor, was his reputation for community service and giving back.

For 7 years, Nick has organized a Holiday Toy & Clothing Drive with collection boxes spread at different locations throughout Whatcom County -- including right here at BNP headquarters, 1100 Lakeway Drive.

Donations of new, unwrapped toys and warm clothing are stockpiled between mid-November and December 18th.They are then delivered to children aged 0 to 18 at Brigid Collins, Skookum Kids, and Lydia Place.

The kids who receive these toys may otherwise not have had a Christmas -- a very sad and very real situation within families all over Whatcom County.

We would absolutely LOVE if you'd like to donate a toy or cash!

You can hit up any of the donation box locations listed in the graphic above!

If you'd like to make a cash donation of ANY size, just use our big button below and we'll make sure 100% is used to help a kid have a Christmas!

I want to donate!