​Dave Nyberg needs

help right now. 

Friends of Dave Nyberg, thank you for being here, and for loving Dave. 

Right now, Dave is on an aggressive treatment plan and survival mission to get through what is probably the lowest point of his life.

Dave is fighting to overcome the disease of addiction, and everything else has to take a back seat right now if he is to come out the other side. 

He is in good care. He has a plan and guidance to ultimately move from the treatment center to an SLE - sober living environment.

He has the support of his daughters, his loved ones, and his AA sponsor, Rich, who I have spoken to at length. 

Dave has not been able to work, and his future with work is uncertain. Dave needs financial help right now. 

Whatever you can afford will be helpful, and together we can buy Dave some time to heal. 

Thank you for your care, your love, and your support. It is not an understatement to say that Dave's life depends in large part on the support of his friends and loved ones, during this challenge he is enduring right now. 

Please use the QR code below to make a direct contribution to Dave. It may ask you for the last 4 numbers of Dave's cell, which are "8449." 

No fees, 3rd party commissions, or "tips" will be tacked on or asked of you -- this goes straight to Dave, 100%. 

If you have any questions, please reach out to me at 360-319-0696 or brandon@brandonnelson.com

In the Spirit of a healthy life, and healthy and loving friendships, 


Send a message directly to Dave

Use the form below or contact him at david.nyberg36@gmail.com