Artist Point Snowshoe Adventure

If it's been a while since you snowshoed from the Mt. Baker Ski Area parking lot to Artist Point..... I HIGHLY RECOMMEND YOU GO!!!!

That's exactly what we did last Monday, Jan. 18th.We left Bellingham at 6:15 a.m. and had a traffic-free drive all the way to the Mt. Baker parking lot -- AKA the trailhead to 1000's of acres of beautiful backcountry!

Strapping on our snowshoes and with snacks in backpacks, we set out on the gradual climb to Artist Point.

Total elevation gain is about 1000 feet over 2 miles. But those are an INSANELY BEAUTIFUL two miles!!!

Hayden and Jazzy set the pace -- and adventure dog Skylar riding all snuggled up in my jacket -- we steadily strolled up and over mounds and hills with surreal snowy peaks in every single direction around us.

We encountered perhaps one or two dozen other people as we made our way to Artist Point.

We snapped photos, ate an early lunch, and took in the 360-degree view under the deep, blue sky.

Making our way back down the trail, the we passed many, many, many more hikers than we'd seen going up.We were back to the car in about 3.5 hours, elated, inspired... and it wasn't even noon yet.

On the way down the hill we stopped at Wake-n-Bakery in Glacier for espresso and treats.

Here are the pics!

Brandon Nelson

I’m a real estate agent at Compass Bellingham in Fairhaven. I love sharing real estate knowledge and my life adventures with my wife, kids, and pups.

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