Our Sea Kayaking Adventure to Isla Espiritu Santo, Baja, Mexico

We have had a love affair with Baja, Mexico, since our first road trip there in 1999.Since then, Heather and I have been back at least 10 time -- including a San Felipe to Cabo San Lucas 72-day sea kayak expedition along the coast of the Sea of Cortez!

We began bringing the kids there since before they were a year old, and they've both been back multiple times.In short: WE LOVE BAJA!!!

These past few weeks, though, were our first time flying in and out, which significantly simplified and shortened the trip from trips past.

We flew into La Paz and booked a 5-day guided sea kayak adventure with Sea Kayak Adventures.

We had never done a guided trip of any kind before...

we'd always either been self-support or -- earlier in life -- WE were the guides!Heather and I met as river guides in California, and I also spent part of my 20's guiding in New Zealand and Costa Rica.

But let me tell you: We are SOLD on having the guides handle the heavy lifting, and we LOVE this particular company!

Here's my 5-star review I left on TripAdvisor. (If I could've given them more stars, I would have!)

This trip included swimming with a colony of friendly sea lions, endless snorkeling and paddle-boarding, easy kayaking, world class beaches we had all to ourselves, sunsets galore, bountiful delicious meals, snacks, and drinks...

I could go on and on!

Instead, here are some photos from our journey. They tell the tale a lot better than I could.

If you want to ask me anything about this trip or traveling in Baja in general, just email me at brandon@brandonnelson.com.Cheers!!! 

Brandon Nelson

I’m a real estate agent at Compass Bellingham in Fairhaven. I love sharing real estate knowledge and my life adventures with my wife, kids, and pups.

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